General conditions and terms of sale (onwards also as GCT) of the Company:

Inat ltd.,



seated on Kosmonautů 418/1, Brno, Czech Republic,

registered in the TR at the County court in Brno, dep. C, inlay 71506

(onward only as „Seller“).

1. Preamble

These general GCT apply for purchase in the internet shop, which is run by  Seller. These GCT set relations between the Buyer and the Seller in the field of sale of the goods.

All contractual relationships are closed in accordance with legal regulations of the Czech Republic. The Buyer confirms by handing in the order that he/she is aware of these terms and conditions of sale whose inseparable part is The complaints procedure and that he/she agrees with them. These terms are pointed out to the Buyer before making the order and he/she has possibility to be aware of them.

2. Definition


The Buyer is the consumer or the businessman.

At the beginning of business relationships, the consumer forwards to the Seller only his/her contact data necessary for handling the order, possibly data that should be specified on the documents of sale.

Legal relationships between the Seller and the consumer not specified by these GCS are regulated by regulations of the law nr. 40/1964 Col. Of the Civil Code and the law nr. 634/1992 Col. about protection of the consumer, both in valid version and also by connected regulations.

Legal relationships between the Seller and the Buyer, who is a businessman, unspecified by these GCS nor by the contract between the Seller and the Buyer are regulated by the law nr. 513/1991 Col., trade code in valid version and also by connected regulations. Individual contract between the Seller and the Buyer is superior to the GCS.

3. Consumer contract

Purchase contract, about work, possibly other contracts according to the civil code if the contractual parties there are the consumer on one side and the supplier on the other side, or rather Seller.

4. Processing of personal data

 All processing of personal data of the Buyers is regulated by the law nr. 101/2000 Col. About protection of personal data and other legal rules valid in the Czech Republic. The Buyer by his/her own free decision ( pressing the button) shows that she/he is aware of the facts mentioned above and agrees with processing of his/her personal data for trade purposes of the keeper of this e-shop. Providing of personal data is volunteer, you have right for access to the data and you are entitled to the protection of rights in extension specified by the law. You can cancel the agreement in written anytime. The personal data will be guaranteed against misuse. The data will be saved and will not be shared with applications of third persons.

The Buyer by providing of the specified personal data and by clicking on the icon agrees voluntarily with the fact that the data provided in extension, which he/she filled or which were found about him on basis of the closed purchase contract or by browsing the web pages of the keeper were processed by the keeper and the Seller whose data are specified in the preamble of these conditions and also by the manager for purpose of offer of services and products of the manager, sending information about activity of the manager also by electronic means ( especially e-mail, SMS, telemarketing) according to the law nr. 480/2004 Col. For the period till canceling of this agreement ( e.g. by sending any message on email: The manager can charge the third person as a processing person for processing the personal data specified above.

5. Order and closing of the contract

The Buyer is entitled to send the order to the Seller only via the order system of the e-shop. Placing of the offered goods by the Seller on web pages is a suggestion for closing the contract, the purchase contract is established by sending the order by the buying consumer and accepting the order by the Seller. The Seller will confirm to the Buyer accepting of the order by an informative email on the specified email, this confirmation does not influence establishment of the contract. The contract ( including agreed price ) can be changed or cancel only on basis of agreement of both parties or on basis of legal reasons.

After closing the purchase contract,it is not possible to find out, if there were mistakes made while processing of the data nor to correct these mistakes. The closed purchase contract is archived by the Seller.

6. Price and payment

The offer with prices showed on the e-shop of the Seller are agreed, final, always updated and valid during the time they are offered on the e-shop by the Seller. Costs on transport are specified in the part” Delivery term and conditions of delivery”.

All prices includes VAT 21%.

The final calculated price after filling the order form is specified including transport fee. The price stated for the goods at the time of order is the price at closing of the contract between the Seller and the Buyer. Invoice made on basis of the purchase contract between the Seller and the Buyer is also the delivery note. The Buyer can take the goods over only after the payment unless there is another agreement.

In case the Buyer pays the price and the Seller is not able to ensure delivery of the goods, the Seller will return immediately fulfilling to the Buyer in an agreed way. Term for return of the paid money depends on chosen way of return, however it must not exceed time of 30 days from the moment when this possibility occurred.

The goods remains Seller´s possession till complete payment. The Seller accepts following payment conditions:

-Cash on delivery (Available only for Czech Republic and Slovakia)

-Payment card (Available only in currency EUR and CZK)

-PayPay (Not available for HRK currency)

-Payment on account

7. Delivery time and conditions of delivery

The Seller fulfills the delivery of goods by transfer of the goods to the client or by transfer the goods to the first carrier, the danger of damage on the thing is transferred to the Buyer by this. Availability of the product is specified in the detail of the product. Delivery time depends on availability of the product, payment conditions and delivery conditions and it is maximum 10 working days. In usual cases we send the goods in 3 working days after payment of complete price. The final term of delivery is stated in email which confirms the order. Installing of the goods is not included in the delivery. The Buyer will get an invoice together with delivery. The delivery term starts to run on the day of closing the contract if the goods is to be paid on delivery. In case the Buyer chose different way from cash on delivery, the delivery term starts to run after payment of the price, i.e. the money is written down on Seller´s account.

The Seller accepts following delivery conditions:


Personal takeover (Only in Czech Republic and Slovakia)

We offer change of the goods free of charge within 14 days from purchase of the goods. In case of return of the goods to the Seller, Buyer will send goods at his own expense, and will get full refund stated on the Invoice. Goods has to be sent complete with original packaging.

8. Guarantee and service

Guarantee term is 24 months for consumer articles.

The guarantee does not concern wearing of the thing caused by its usual use. For applying for repair in guarantee it is necessary to show the invoice. Goods must be complete with original packaging.

In case of sending the goods to the Seller it is necessary to pack the goods for the transport in such a way for the goods not to be damaged during transport.

The Seller does not provide after guarantee service.

9. Rules of complaint

In case there is a fault during the time of guarantee, the Buyer is entitled for following rights:

 In case of removable faults

a.) right for costless, orderly and in- time removing of the fault

b.) right for change of faulty goods or faulty part if it not irrational

c.) in case of impossibility of procedures specified in points a) and b) is entitled for discount from the price or canceling the contract

 In case of irremovable faults:

a) right for change of faulty goods or canceling the contract if other irremovable faults are concerned and if the client does not ask for change of the thing

b.) right for adequate discount from purchase price or canceling the contract.

The complaint can be applied at the Seller.

The complaint cannot be applied in these cases:

if the fault was caused by wrong use, in contradiction with the manual, by forbidden intervention in the goods, for faults caused by usual use if the guarantee is applied for after the guarantee term faults caused by natural disaster

10. Expiry of the contract

Regarding the character of closing the purchase contract via communication on distance, the Buyer is entitled to cancel the contract without any fine within 14 days after taking over of the goods. Further, the Buyer is entitled to cancel the contract according to § 53 par. 7 and 8 of the law nr. 40/164 Col. Civil code.

The facts mentioned above do not concern the Buyer who is a businessman and closes the contract in connection with business. In case of canceling the contract mentioned above the Seller will send the price on Buyer´s account.

The Seller is entitled to cancel the contract in case when the Buyer does not the whole price within 30 days after closing the contract.

11. Final arrangements

The Buyer will enable to the Seller fulfilling duties according to the Offer/ contract.

The Buyer is obliged to pay all costs caused by sending reminders and costs connected with executing possible debts.

The Buyer is aware that the Seller is entitled to transfer the debt to the third person.

The Buyer will inform the Seller about a change of ID. At the latest within 5 working days from the day when the change occurred.

The parties are obliged to make maximum effort for peaceful solution of all disputes followed from the contact and/or GCS or in connection with them.

Mutual obligation relationship is managed by legal code of the Czech Republic.

These GCS are valid and come in force on 1.12.2015 and are available on web pages of the Seller. The Seller is entitled to change these GCS, then the GCS become invalid on the day when new GCS become valid and come in force.

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